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Local Events

2024 Annual Golf Outing - Carlee's Bar and Grill for Semper Fi Fund

Register for this Event!


Not a golfer?  Not available that day?  Show your support anyway!  Stop by the shop and help us maximize our donation by putting a few bucks in our donation box.  100% of what we collect will be added to our sponsorship.   Donate $50 or more and receive a free Glock pistol case.

No cash?  No problem.  We accept donations by credit/debit card, Apple Pay, and Google Pay




Do you have an event going on in the Pewaukee or Waukesha County (Wisconsin) area for your business or organization?   Let us know, and we'll help you promote it on this page.  

Email Heidi at [email protected] or give us a call at 262-696-4204