Gunsmith and owner of Wraith Precision, David Prange, has things to say about H.J.Res.44 - Congressional Disapproval (revoke) the ATF "Factoring Criteria for Firearms with Attached 'Stabilizing Braces" Rule. Feel free to copy and paste Dave's letter and use it to send your own letters. Get involved at National Write Your Congressman!
Gunsmith and owner of Wraith Precision, David Prange, has things to say about H.J.Res.44 - Congressional Disapproval (revoke) the ATF "Factoring Criteria for Firearms with Attached 'Stabilizing Braces" Rule.
Feel free to copy and paste Dave's letter and use it to send your own letters. Get involved at National Write Your Congressman!
I strongly urge you to vote for H.J. Res.44. I could easily write a 50 page (or more) essay on why the BATFE's rule banning pistol braces is unconstitutional and pure folly, however, I will stick to a few basic points.
First and foremost, the President, the Attorney General, or the BATFE do not have the Constitutional authority to make laws, their job is to enforce them. Only Congress can make laws. Regulations on magazine capacities, safeties, and so-called "assault weapons" (whatever the hell an assault weapon is) were made by State Legislatures, not unelected bureaucrats. It is dangerous and sets a bad precedent to abdicate your Constitutional authority (which you swore an oath to uphold) to unelected bureaucrats.
Second, the BATFE's rule instantly makes millions of law abiding citizens criminals scrambling to understand and comply with the rule, while criminals sit back and laugh because what do they care if the gun they're going to use in their criminal activities is a legal firearm or not, especially since they probably can't legally posses a firearm in the first place.
Third, more than just Pistol Brace manufactures are affected by this rule, there is also a myriad of companies that produce the parts for the firearms, the companies that produce aftermarket parts for the firearms and the dealers who sell these products. Thousands of people will lose their jobs as companies have to close their doors, or dramatically scale back their operations. Many of these people have their whole life invested in these companies, including myself, not to mention the tens, if not hundreds of millions of dollars in lost tax revenue as a result of these businesses closing their doors and their employees going from tax payers to tax burdens in the form of unemployment benefits.
Lastly, we already have a book that's 2" thick full of gun laws, how do you think that if we just had one more rule, that will fix everything? You can make all the rules you want about this gun part, or this class of firearm, etc., but nothing is going to change until we are ready to address the real problem, which is people and the moral decay of our society. If I'm not mistaken, murder is illegal. It's not about what's in someone's hand, it's about what's in someone's heart, but addressing the real problem isn't popular and it doesn't get politicians re-elected, talking points do.
In conclusion, even if you don't agree with my reasoning or logic, at least vote yes for this bill to make it clear that only Congress and State legislatures have Constitutional authority to make laws so that our Country will continue to be a Country governed by the people, for the people. In this country, we are not ruled we are represented, let the people decide about pistol braces, not some wannabe dictator or self-important bureaucrat with an agenda. Represent me and millions of other law abiding citizens by upholding the Constitution and the 2nd Amendment by voting yes on H.J. Res.44!
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